Assuming we already have volumes, first let's show Docker volumes list

docker volume ls

Then we have two options, according to our methods of storing backups: we can pack volume with Docker tools or use operating system tools, as far as Docker volume represented by specific directory.

To make Docker volume backup with Docker tools:

docker run \
--rm --volumes-from CONTAINER_NAME \
-v $(pwd):/backup DESIRED_IMAGE \
tar cvfz /backup/ARCHIVE_NAME_`date +"%Y_%m_%d"`.tar \

CONTAINER_NAME - our container
DESIRED_IMAGE - an image to be used as temporary environment, this may be ubuntu, busybox or whatever
ARCHIVE_NAME - our backup name, goes with `date +"%Y_%m_%d"` for created date mark
MOUNT_POINT_IN_THE_CONTAINER - mount point inside our container, where data stored

Official documentation on this topic. I think it needs some explanation at least for first use.

To make Docker volume backup by archiving a directory:

Let's find out where the volume directory is placed:

docker inspect VOLUME_NAME | grep Mountpoint

We should receive something like this. For example, if we are dealing with mysql container:

"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/project_name/_data",

Now, when we have a path, let's archive it:

tar -cvzf ARCHIVE_NAME_`date +"%Y_%m_%d"`.tar PATH

ARCHIVE_NAME - our backup name, goes with `date +"%Y_%m_%d"` for created date mark
PAH - directory path from Mountpoint

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